Let's see how this goes....

on Monday, March 31, 2008

I may, from time to time, use this as a place to air out how I feel, because I believe that I have to say things out loud to know how real or silly I sound. But mostly, I want to use this as a positive place because one of the things that keeps me from worrying myself, and my sweet husband, and the Baby J, to death, is being thankful.

I listened to a Rob Bell sermon on the way home from an amazing trip to Seagrove, FL and the part that stuck out the most was talking about gifts we are given by God every day. I have thought about gifts every day since then and that has really helped my anxiety level. So here are some gifts in my life in no order of importance b/c they are ALL important!

~ My sweet, amazing husband who I am so, so proud of!
~ Baby J who has kept me up the last three nights letting me know he is there :) This is a gift of tremendous proportion b/c of how long I have prayed to have this little guy, so I don't really mind when he is rambunctious. ;)
~ Sleep - I finally got a full night's rest in three nights! Woo Hoo!
~My lovely home - We have plenty of space and room to grow and it is gorgeous.
~ The fence that is supposed to be going in this week! Then I won't have to get out and walk Rufus for what seems like 50 times a day.
~ Our dogs that give us unconditional love and affection :)
~ Planting flowers and seeing things bloom - Thank you, Lord for creating such beauty!
~ Having my family so close by - I am so so blessed with the amazing family I have and the ability to see them almost whenever I want!
~ My 2 precious nieces, Brianna and Audrey - They are as different as night and day, but being able to watch them grow has been amazing! They have two of the best laughs I have ever heard.
~ Friends!!! We have been blessed by having some of the best, most funnest :) friends in the world! The girls in our small group are beyond wonderful. I am so blessed by their friendship. I find myself missing them as soon as they have gone and wish we had hours more talk and share. And Sheila, who I have not enough words to explain the gift she is to me. Robin and Misti, my pillars of strength, advice, and sass :) My friends from High School that even though I do not get to see often, bring joy to me heart whenever they cross my mind.
~ Good books - I have read so many books over the last few weeks and have enjoyed them all. There are so many books and not enough time to read them in!!
~ My two little African girls, Oliva and Ruth, who bring me to tears every day. Their pictures gaze at me from the fridge and even though they are not smiling, I can see their lovely smiles in my heart.
~ Having time to reflect and pray and walk. I have never had that before and God has given me time now before life changes totally, for the good :)


Sherri Lavender said...

CONGRATS! I hadn't heard you are expecting! What a blessing! Our second is due at the end of August.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is BEAUTIFUL! You should be sharing your heart with us like this every day. :)

For myself, I am thankful for YOU! You are a precious sweet friend who has blessed me more than I can say.

Leslie McCaskey said...

This is a sweet post, Jen. I'm so lucky to have been welcomed into your small group. We should really see each other more outside our every other thursday time!